[Modern aspects of pathogenetic treatment of sensorineural hearing loss].Vestn Otorinolaringol. 2020;85(3):6-10
Authors: Zolotova TV, Dubinskaya NV, Davydova AP
OBJECTIVE: Optimization of the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss (SHL) using a calcium channel blocker – nimodipine.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study consists of experimental and clinical sections. The experiment involved 42 white outbred rats, which were used for modeling SHL according to the original method and treatment with nimodipine followed by histological control. The clinical study involved 115 patients with chronic SHL. Calcium metabolism was evaluated by quantifying the mineral density of bone tissue during osteodensitometry of the radial bones of patients.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Histological studies after rats were removed from the experiment showed that modeling SHL by noise exposure against the background of immobilization of experimental animals is effective and is accompanied by early signs of apoptosis of the external hair and auxiliary cells, degenerative changes in spiral ganglion neurocytes. The role of calcium metabolism disorders in the initiation of the described disorders is shown. The use of nimodipine in experimental animals reduces the severity of histological changes. When examining patients with SHL, signs of impaired calcium metabolism in bone tissue were detected in 60% of the examined patients.
CONCLUSION: The obtained data determine the special role of disorders in the ratios of micro-elements in the body, especially calcium, in the development of SHL, and dictate the need for their correction using calcium channel blockers. The clinical use of nimodipine is possible both for prevention and for the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss.
PMID: 32628375 [PubMed – as supplied by publisher]