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Intratympanic steroids for combined treatment of idiopathic sudden hearing loss: when is it too late?
Acta Otolaryngol. 2019 May 24;:1-4
Authors: Amarillo E, Navarro A, Hernández-García E, Plaza G
Background: Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL) requires early treatment. Objective: To describe our experience on intratympanic steroid treatment (ITS) of ISSNHL analyzing the delay to start therapy as prognostic factor. Material and methods: We perform a retrospective study on ISSNHL treated with systemic steroids without full recovery on PTA (pure tone average) according to Siegel criteria. They were divided into two different groups: one group that additionally received ITS as combined therapy (treatment group), and another without it (control group). We analyzed the hearing recovery at 6 months and 2 years, and the influence of the delay to start ITS in the recovery. Results: After ITS was added, further complete recovery was achieved in 10 patients of the treatment group. After 6 months, PTA improvement in the treatment group was 10.84 dB, compared to 1.13 dB in the control group (p<.0001). Nevertheless, patients starting such combination of oral steroids and ITS within 8 days of diagnosis had an additional gain of 15 dB in the first 6 months, that increased to 19.17 dB after 24 months (p<.022). Conclusions: When ITS was added within the first 8 days, a significantly better and more stable response was obtained. PMID: 31124732 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]